Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pre-order as at 27 August 2010

All these items will be ready at December, estimate will arrive to my place at December/January 2011.

Yeah, as usual, the price below are just item price, not include shipping from Japan to Malaysia. Please refer to my 2nd payment link to know how I count the 2nd payment.

Item: SHF Hardboiler Start Dash Mode
Just the back part of it. You need to have SHF Hardboiler to attach it.
Price: RM145 without shipping
Link: SHF HardTurbuler
Same as above, just back part only, with one wheel. You need to have SHF Hardboiler to attach it.
Price: RM155 without shipping
Link: SPECIAL!! Get both items above in total of RM285 without shipping.

Item: SHF Weather Dopant
Price: RM155 without shipping
Link: And also, I will accept other items that on pre-order list as at 27 August at this website:

Hope you all enjoy shopping with my service.. Thanks. =D