If yes then you still have chances to get some merchandises to love them!! XD
Here's some items that will come out LIMITED only.
Once again, all price below just item price, not include shipping fee and commission.
1. Item: Imagin "Cho" Climax Tour Diary book
Item price: RM37 
2. Item: Imagin "Cho" Climax Tour Strap
Item price: RM45
3. Item: Imagin "Cho" Climax Tour Fan (There are 4 designs: Momotaros + Imagin Band, Urataros + Teddy, Kintaros + Deneb, Ryutaros + Sieg)

Item price: RM45

Item price: RM22 

All items' deadline will be at 29 June 2010.
And also, those items will be released on July. Means will be arriving to my place at end of July with my July shipment.
Hope anyone will love Den-O and buy those.. Haha. =P

And also, those items will be released on July. Means will be arriving to my place at end of July with my July shipment.
Hope anyone will love Den-O and buy those.. Haha. =P