Please check with me again if you want to buy those items below, because some of items may have discount and/or out of stock. All prices are stated in normal price.
1. Item: SIC Vol 55 Kamen Rider Stronger and Tackle
Price: RM285 without shipping (Now sell RM215)

2. Item: SIC Kiwami Damashi Kamen Rider Blade King Form
Price: RM55 without shipping3. Item: SIC Vol 52 Kamen Rider Kabuto
Price: RM240 without shipping (Now sell RM220)4. Item: SHF Kamen Rider First Kamen Rider Ichigo
Price: RM110 without shipping (Now sell RM80)5. Item: SHF Kamen Rider Agito Kamen Rider G3
Price: RM130 without shipping (Now sell RM100)6. Item: SHF Masked Rider Faiz
Price: RM140 without shipping (Sold out)7. Item: SHF Kamen Rider Double - CycloneMetal and CycloneTrigger
Price: RM240 without shipping (Selling fast!!)8. Item: SHF Kamen Rider Double - HeatJoker and HeatTrigger
Price: RM240 without shipping (Selling fast!!)More orders will be added or depends on your request.. Thanks.. =D