Please check with me again if you want to buy those items below, because some of items may have discount and/or out of stock. All prices are stated in normal price.
1. Item: SIC Kiwami Tamashii SB-555V Auto Vajin
Price: RM90 without shipping (limited number only)

Price: RM55 without shipping

Price: RM55 without shipping (Now sell RM40)

Price: RM45 without shipping (Now sell RM35)

Price: RM55 without shipping (Now sell RM40)

Price: RM55 without shipping (Now sell RM40)

Price: RM145 without shipping (Sold out)

Price: RM130 without shipping (Sold out)

Price: RM235 without shipping (Sold out)

Price: RM110 without shipping (Now sell RM80)

Price: RM140 without shipping (Now sell RM100)